Minghua Deng

     Apr 16, 2022      Clicks:

Professor Minghua Deng, doctor tutor has long been engaged in the evaluation and utilization of pepper resources and resistance germplasm screening. He host 4 items scientific research projects, published more than 50 scientific papers and 8 monographs and textbooks. Finally, there are some curricula teaches by Prof. Deng, such as edible mushroom cultivation.

Research field: evaluation and utilization of pepper resources


2016-2019, Molecular mechanism of regulating capsaicin biosynthesis of Yunnan Shuanla CaERF2 transcription factor. National Natural Science Fund, Finished, Hosting

2018-2021, Molecular mechanism of pollen abortion regulated by a novel gene ORF165 associated with CMS in pepper. National Natural Science Fund, Finished, Hosting

2022-2025, Molecular mechanism of CaMYB5 regulating the biosynthesis of anthocyanins and capsaicinoids in Qiubei purple pepper. National Natural Science Fund, Finished, Hosting


Deng MH, Wen JF, Zhao K, Huo JL, Zhang ZQ, Zhu HS, Zou XX#. A comprehensive view of expression profiles dynamics of capsaicinoid biosynthesis-related genes during pepper fruit development and under MeJA treatment. PJB, 50(3): 1013-1022, 2018

Deng MH, Lv JH,Wang ZR, Zhu HS, Yang ZA, Zhao K(赵凯). Two promoter regions confer heat-induced activation of SlDREBA4 in Solanum lycopersicum [J]. Biochem Bioph Res Co,2020, 524:689-695

Deng MH, Zhao K, Lv JH, Huo JL, Zhang ZQ, Zhu HS, Zou XX, Wen JF. Flower transcriptome dynamics during nectary development in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Genetics and Molecular Biology, 43, 2, e20180267 (2020)